Senator on leave Waldo Fernández concluded his working tour in Ottawa, where he participated as a panelist at the Second Annual North American Manufacturing Conference, organized by the Confederation of Industrial Chambers of Mexico (CONCAMIN), Canadian Manufacturers & Exporters (CME), and the National Association of Manufacturers of the United States (NAM). This event brought together over 200 leaders from the public and private sectors of the three countries to discuss challenges and opportunities in the region.
Fernández described the tour as “successful and fruitful” and revealed that following the conference, lawmakers from the three nations will hold a conference aimed at defending and highlighting the benefits of the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA).
“We will have a conference of legislators from the three nations that supports the benefits of the USMCA,” shared the Senator on leave.
Additionally, he mentioned that they will continue to collaborate with the Confederation of Industrial Chambers of Mexico (CONCAMIN) and other manufacturing associations, such as the North American Manufacturing Chambers like Canadian Manufacturers & Exporters (CME) and the National Association of Manufacturers of the United States (NAM).
“The leader of NAM, which is the equivalent of CONCAMIN, has 300 of the 500 most important companies in the United States as its members, as well as the Canadian association, which controls a significant portion of their GDP,” added Fernández.
Finally, he assured that these trilateral meetings would include discussions with labor leaders from the three nations to inform them clearly and accurately about their efforts to strengthen the USMCA.
“We’re going all out to explain to those who have anti-Mexican or anti-USMCA rhetoric how beneficial this treaty has been for the three nations,” the Senator on leave affirmed.
He also shared that he was in the Canadian Parliament, where he witnessed a discussion among lawmakers, and pointed out that: “The anti-Mexican speeches we’ve heard are related to the political situation here, where the Conservative Party seeks to accelerate the elections, as they would have a good chance of winning if that happens.”
Waldo Fernández will return to his Senate seat on Tuesday, November 26.
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